
守禮門‧Shureimon, the most well-known landmark of Ryukyu

守禮門支架‧Support structure of the Shureimon

琉球王國王宮(首里城)正殿‧Main palace of the king of Ryukyu

國王寶座‧The king's throne

王座左面‧Left of the throne

王座右面‧Right of the throne

中國冊封琉球制度‧Investiture of the kings of Ryukyu by China (15th-19th century)

冊封典禮模型‧Model of the investiture ceremony (Ch'ing dynasty)

王宮北面之龍潭‧Ryutan pool near the palace

王宮夜色‧Illuminated palace at night

那霸市單軌電車‧Monorail in Naha city

國際街‧International Street in Naha

國際街‧International Street in Naha

福州園之鯉與龜‧Carp and tortoises in Fuzhou Garden

餐館外牆的龍蝦‧Crayfish up on a restaurant's wall

那霸市一角鳥瞰‧Bird's eye view of part of Naha

那霸市市民憲章‧Charter of the citizens of Naha

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